Directed by Rodrigo Ernesto Bolanos and now playing at Queens Theatre, Garcia’s intensely entertaining play gives a vivid look inside a piece of the Mexican and Mexican-American experience, weaving both past and present. The production is brought to life by the playwright’s full-blooded characters and by his loving reverence for Spanish and Latin American folklore. (It is worth noting that the stories of “Pedro Urdamales” and “Juan Bobo” [More about him later…!] have been told for hundreds of years.) Adorned by live music by Luis D’Elias, Garcia’s play not only reminds us that these tales of inspiration will be with us for eternity, but also that these precious stories serve as MORE than just entertainment or as a conduit for family bonding. As we see with the characters in Eight Tales of Pedro, storytelling can also serve as a survival mechanism in increasingly uncertain times.
Mark-Eugene GarciaWriter/Actor/Storyteller. Theatre Maker. Husband. Bad Hombre. Cat Taunter. ContentsArchives
September 2024